What Is Sex Therapy?
There are a lot of things that people do not know about sex therapy. There are also a lot of misconceptions about sex therapy and what exactly sex therapy consists of. First, you don’t need to be a relationship or partnership to attend sex therapy. Sex therapy may be helpful for people who are not in relationships or partnerships and want to focus on individual struggles. Also, while adults may seek sex therapy, children and/or adolescents may sometimes come to sex therapy. Children and/or adolescents often come to sex therapy to learn skills to help them explore their sexual or gender identity (being Trans and/or Queer), problem sexual behaviors (PSB) or out-of-control sexual behaviors (OOC), experiences with sexual trauma or sexual abuse, puberty related concerns among other issues. As for how long sex therapy takes, some people may do sex therapy for a long period of time, some people are only in sex therapy for a few sessions. The length of time you’re in sex therapy depends on your goals and your individual treatment plan. If you’re interested in Sex Therapy please reach out (Contact Us) and schedule either a consult or a first session with Jasmine M. McLean, LCSW.